Your comment is the best presented pro-vax statement I have read so far, and others deserve to read it. You make a compelling argument.
I am thinking about doing a short, concise article to flesh out your comments, sort of like what you did with your Tim Zeak response. I want people to see and read your points instead of them getting lost here in the comments.
Also, I want to clarify some assumptions in your comments, but the comment section isn't where to do that. Those clarifications might be helpful to everyone.
I can share the article with you before posting it (if it warrants posting), so you can clarify or expand your comments if you choose. I'm sure everyone will learn from our dialog.
You are a gifted communicator. If you speak from a career medical background, that's even better.
And for the record, I am not anti-vax, promoting alternative treatments, or selling snake oil. :-)
I welcome you to the discussion.