Adam Eyves
4 min readApr 29, 2024


You are right. I need to offer specific proof. So, below are my thoughts:

If you are going to blame Christians, define them first. A Christian is simply someone who follows Jesus and his ways, and who agrees to a handful of essential beliefs about Jesus that distinguish them from other religions.

"Christianity" is something very different than a follower of Jesus. As the Center for the Study of Global Christianity defines it, "World Christianity consists of six major ecclesiastico-culture blocs, divided into 300 major ecclesiastical traditions, composed of over 45,000 distinct denominations in 238 countries."

You can read my article on denominations here for specific breakdowns.

All of your examples have one thing in common --the Roman Catholic Church.

At the risk of offending my Catholic friends, Roman Catholicism is a bastardized sub-branch of the broader Christian faith. It is a blend of New Testament doctrines and pagan practices that ingratiated them into foreign pagan cultures. Catholics may disagree with me, but Catholicism is not a denomination within broader Christianity; it's more of its own unique thing, and even they distance themselves from Protestants in function and doctrine. Catholics don't consider Protestents Christian. The only way to heaven is through the Roman Catholic Church. Likewise, Protestents don't consider Catholics Christian because of their pagan compromises, and the Pope being the mediator between God and man, as opposed to Jesus.

In Catholicism, the Pope is the mouthpiece of God. Before the printed Bible, Catholics were not allowed to read or interpret the Bible for themselves. With the constant threat of eternal torment in hell, you can imagine how much control the Pope, bishops, cardinals, and priests held over the congregants. With unlimited power, it doesn't take much imagination to see how power and corruption crept into the early and middle-aged Roman Catholic church. That corruption is alive and well today among the leaders.

You are correct on some points, and I'll offer some further background. The trans-Atlantic slave trade was begun by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century when they took slaves from Africa to work in Brazil. Pope Nicholas V issued the bull Dum Diversas in 1452, allowing the Portuguese to enter the slave trade. Slavery continued uninterrupted through the nineteenth century.

The Roman Catholic church and the state were seen as partners in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Both enacted laws to support each other's cause. The state relied on the Judaeo-Christian scriptures and ecclesial pronouncements as an impetus to their imperialistic endeavors, while the church used this arrangement for the greater good of sharing the Gospel with the New World. It was an incestuous arrangement at best. The church justified its part by cherry-picking scriptures, such as Leviticus 25:46, in which the Israelites were allowed to buy and own slaves. They doubled down on their justification with the fact that the apostles never asked for the emancipation of slaves. The Roman Catholic Church considered slave trade as something divinely prescribed in the sacred scriptures. Because? The Pope, as the mouth of God, said so.

The atrocities of the Roman Catholic Church aren't Christianity. They are the corruption of man at its ugliest, and I will never try to justify the atrocities you listed.

A few more thoughts on your comments below:

"Just a few Christian atrocities like the razing of the Incas" [The extinction of the Incas wasn't because of an attack by Christians as you intimate. It was an Imperialistic conquest by Spain using the corrupt Roman Catholic Church as a patsy. Smallpox (likely unintentional from historical sources) was the leading cause of death, and I can't find any historical source that claims Christians (or even the Spaniards) intentionally used smallpox as a bioweapon to wipe out the Incas. Of interest, 90% of the "soldiers" the Spanish conscripted were from local native tribes.]

"The transatlantic slave trade" [The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was not initiated by true Christians. As I said above, that was an incestuous partnership between the state and the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus never proclaimed for Christians to take slaves, even though bond servant slavery existed in the middle east.]

"The Thirty Years' War" [The Thirty Years' War was instigated by the Roman Catholic Church against Reformers to preserve its power. I will borrow from Britannica: "Though the struggles of the Thirty Years War erupted some years earlier, the war is conventionally held to have begun in 1618, when the future Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand II attempted to impose Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, and the Protestant nobles of both Bohemia and Austria rose up in rebellion." Although people died, it was necessary to break away from the corrupt Roman Catholic Church, IMO.

"The crusades" [Same corrupt Catholic nonsense]

"Christians are and always have been people who identify as a group, and some people do horrific things especially when empowered as a group." [Christians are individual followers of Jesus and his teachings, not a group. The church is a collection of Christians. Denominations are a collection of churches that hold to the same doctrinal beliefs. It's bad logic to imply that just because people hold similar beliefs, they will commit atrocities. But you are right in that mob mentality is a real thing, and individuals are capable of doing heinous acts. And to be fair to your point, Christians and Christian groups have done bad things. So have atheist individuals and groups. But I consider those as outliers, not the norm. I don't experience rampaging atheists terrozing shopping malls very often.

"For instance, maybe you want to look up Inter Caetera." [I wasn't specifically aware of Inter Caetera, but as I expected, it's the same corrupt Roman Catholic nonsense.]

I will end with this. Atheists aren't evil ideologists who are trying to destroy humanity. However, communism hijacked atheist thinking and used it as a tool to conquer nations and murder millions upon millions of innocent people. In the same way, Christianity is not an evil ideology hell-bent on murdering remote populations of natives and church detractors. That was the point in my original post that you first responded to.

Hope this helps.



Adam Eyves

Writer, editor, storyteller, sailor, and coffee drinker. I think, I question, I imagine. I am a philosopher at heart, and a connoisseur of all good things.