Adam Eyves
2 min readDec 4, 2022


This would be an insightful discussion and useful article subject. When does grace become tolerance? How much playground bullying do we allow in grace before we are simply tolerating the bully? Bullies don't stop until someone stops them. This is the case with adults in business, marriages, and, yes, even in ministry.

There was a point where you left the ministry because of abuse (my word). But prior, in grace, you let the situation ride for years(?), but in the end, enough was enough, and you left that Church.

Your emotions, your thought processes, your temperament of restraint, then crossing into a point of actionable change, is where the value is in a discussion like this.

What was the "straw that broke the camel's back" that made you finally push back?

You don't have to answer me specifically. This is more of a rhetorical question, not me being nosey. :-)

This idea has me thinking.

I've never called out anyone publically before publishing my article on Jeff. But there was a point where Jeff was himself being destructive towards those going through a deconstructionism process most never wished for. Good for Jeff that he has all the answers he needs, but it's unfair to criticize others who don't. He left them with no where to go. That's what triggered my article. What I said about Dan was more of a vehicle to explain my points, although I felt what Jeff said about Dan was ignorant and in poor taste.

I won't take up too much more of your time. I know you have other things to do besides converse with me. But I will be reading your articles and may comment from time to time as I appreciate and value your perspective. It might even keep me coloring between the lines! :-)

Be blessed!



Adam Eyves

Writer, editor, storyteller, sailor, and coffee drinker. I think, I question, I imagine. I am a philosopher at heart, and a connoisseur of all good things.