Adam Eyves
1 min readAug 8, 2023


This a good point and one I have thought about for a long time.

As a kid, I remember people in the church who couldn't wait to walk through the pearly gates of heaven, where they would spend eternity singing hymns, hands raised, or falling on their knees at the throne of God, worshipping Him in all His glory, 24/7. As heavenly as that may have been for them, that seemed suffocatingly dull and closer to hell to me as a bored kid -- and as an adult, to be frank. I am not convinced that God is that narcissistic or heaven that mundane. To me, there must be more to the story.

Another consideration to your point is that it uses a human perspective to understand a heavenly realm. It's a flawed premise. Same as my point above; it's a limited kid's perspective. But these ideas are fun to think about.



Adam Eyves

Writer, editor, storyteller, sailor, and coffee drinker. I think, I question, I imagine. I am a philosopher at heart, and a connoisseur of all good things.