Adam Eyves
2 min readJul 16, 2022


Ha! Sorry, Jeff. I didn’t mean to be a wet blanket.

I am not exceptional in any way, as few are, but I do recognize the folly of dividing society by labels. Intelligence is a resource no matter where it comes from, Christian or secular. Likewise, ignorance is an anchor to progress. I like the sincerity of your article and where you are coming from, but that doesn't excuse us from making intelligent and educated choices, even regarding our Christian faith.

In my discussions with atheists, agnostics, and people who have left the church, the one thing that drives them crazy about Christians, to the point of disregarding Christianity altogether, is our willingness to believe in what they define as myths while blindly ignoring contrary evidence. They view Christians as intellectually lazy. Sadly, I agree that most are. It's far easier to believe in a God that waves a magic wand, and the world springs into existence. But the truth, and our existence within it, is not that simple, and modern culture knows that.

While well-intended, your article unintentionally reinforces the wand-waving God stereotype and lets Christians off the intellectual hook. Christians aren't any more stupid than any other societal group, and we certainly don't need to offer excuses.

A few months back, I was shown scientific studies by a progressive leftist proving conservatives have a lower IQ. These kinds of studies are conclusion-based social-behavioral tools. In other words, a type of propaganda used to steer society. Christians need to intelligently push back on these kinds of attacks, not proudly agree with them.

I don't know if any of that makes sense, but know that I am in your camp, and I appreciate your writing.

~ Adam



Adam Eyves

Writer, editor, storyteller, sailor, and coffee drinker. I think, I question, I imagine. I am a philosopher at heart, and a connoisseur of all good things.