Based on this conversation, my opinion of you has changed. I actually like you. I like how you explained your methods, and you made valid points that were not emotionally charged like the article. You swayed me, so I followed you.
You have a point about being loud. The squeaky wheel usually gets the grease. But the tree hugger gets chopped down with the tree. I don't want you to be a martyr. You are too smart, plus your voice and reach will end there. Although I agree it's not about the number of followers, you don't want to lose followers because you then become less effective, the opposite of your intention. 7k claps, but you lost followers.
There may be a balance. Provocative language is a tool I use as well (as you now know), but I'm good at backing it up. I've thought through my arguments well and am not afraid to say I am wrong when I learn something new. (I admitted I changed my mind about you). Regarding the article, I wish you had bolstered it with some solid facts people can't argue against. That gives you the right to be provocative and still be considered intelligent. That is the power that causes change.
Regarding the "one-hit wonder" comment. I'm just teasing you. You are smart, but only this article went viral. I got lucky once, too. It's hard work to do it twice. I'm rooting for you.
I'm sure we will dialog again. Looking forward to it!
Take care. ~ AE